Search for the Blogger Apprentice 2012

Blogger Apprentice 2012

Blogger Apprentice 2012

With the success of last year’s “Blogger Apprentice” program,’s “Search for the Blogger Apprentice 2012” starts anew today – 2-12-12.

An apprentice can be roughly defined as someone who learns from a qualified person/group in order to practice a trade or profession, usually within a recognized period of time. Bring that concept to the blogging craft and that is exactly what this is all about.

Search for the Blogger Apprentice 2012 is in search for 3 blogger apprentices from among registered bloggers of the Blogger Manila Club (BMC) by March 4, 2012. If you are not yet a registered blogger of Blogger Manila Club, kindly read up on Blogger Manila Club Intro (Impt: read the whole post and fill in the form at the end of the post).

Its objective is to help new bloggers in the industry learn the basics and improve their craft during the program and become better members of the industry.

Blogger apprentices applicants will undergo informal basic blogging seminar/s and will be mentored as a group in different aspects of the Philippine blogosphere which includes both technical and social aspects of the craft for free. Moreover, they will receive different blogging challenges as part of the apprenticeship. They will be in such tutelage until end of April 2012.

By April 2012, the ‘Finale Night’ will be conducted to conclude the search and identify the official Blogger Apprentices for 2012. Prizes await the Top 6 and the 3 winning blogger apprentices.

The search is open to any of the BMC registered bloggers (not necessarily members) but those with blogs which started mid of last year (June 2011) or younger is given preference because it aims to help, assist, guide, and give opportunity to the novice bloggers.

After the joining period until Mar 04, 2012, a meet-up will be organized to discuss matters in detail. It is important to note however, that the search can only accommodate 20 15 participants. Registrants will be notified by Mar 06, 2012 if they were accepted into the program. Again, novice bloggers with blogs which started June 2011 onwards are given preference.

Fill up this registration form to join.

The program is also open to sponsors. If you have questions about the Search for the Blogger Apprentice Program, you can directly email [email protected] or make a comment below this post.

Important Dates to Remember

  • March 04, 2012 – Last Day of application to be part of the search
  • March 06, 2012 – Announcement of the Search Participants (15)
  • April -May 2012 Blog Challenges for the Contenders
  • April May 2012 – Magic 6 Announcement
  • April May 2012 – Finals Night and Blogger Apprentice Final Challenge
  • April May 2012 – Announcement of the 3 chosen Blogger Apprentice for 2011

Check these previous post/links related to the 2011 search.

Magic 6 of the Search for the Blogger Apprentice 2011

Magic 6 of the Search for the Blogger Apprentice 2011

Kindly share this post with your friends and family! Check our  Blogger Manila Facebook Page or tweet with #BloggerApprentice.

Are you interested in the program? Or do you have newbie blogger friends who are? Refer them to this article and they might just be one of’s Blogger Apprentice 2012! :)

  1. promking
    • admin
  2. yodz
    • admin
  3. Myk
  4. athena

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