A Barefoot Story

A Barefoot Story

A Barefoot Story

There was once a pair of feet so different from each other such that when one wants to tread the path on the right, the other goes to the left. They embarked on a journey to find the answer to the meaning of life in a pilgrimage that will go through 3 dark rainforest mountains and a number of rivers to cross.

A Pair of Feet

A Pair of Feet

The day came in their lives, sometime in 1910, when they had to finally settle things through in a cross-section of confusing arrows pointing in different directions.

The left foot said: “I think we should go to the left for that direction seems brighter and sunny!”

The right foot responded: “We should go the right because even if the right direction is darker and gloomy, I know this is the correct way, and we can make it through”

The left foot hesitated and questioned, “Why should I follow you?”

The right foot, more steadfast, reiterated: “Because I am right!”

To the Left or to the Right?

To the Left or to the Right?

Being the younger of the two, the left foot conceded to the argument and walked with a heavy heart on his sole.

The First Mountain

Along the way, one dark night, a big and bright star descended from the sky and forewarned them of great challenges ahead in their path. The bright star, who called himself Converse, introduced them to the Chuck Taylor All Star Berkshire Mid from the Chuck Taylor All Star Weatherized Collection whom he said can protect them from the harsh elements of the first mountain.

Chuck Taylor All Star Berkshire Mid

Chuck Taylor All Star Berkshire Mid

The right foot, now weary from their travel, told the left foot that the Chuck Taylor All Star Berkshire Mid seems good for them because it can give them protection from the bleak weather they were about to face.

The stubborn left foot, this time with more resolve to go against the right foot, insisted that he will not wear Chuck Taylor All Star Berkshire Mid and that he can make it without them.

Right Foot wearing the Chuck Taylor All Star Berkshire Mid

Right Foot wearing the Chuck Taylor All Star Berkshire Mid

The Dilemma: Left vs. Right

The Dilemma: Left vs. Right

The Converse Star left the right foot the right side of the Chuck Taylor All Star Berkshire Mid saying the sneakers were “made for the foot who wants the best that can be produced and is willing to pay the price.”

And so it was. The left foot got some contusions and scratches here and there, from the long trek through rough roads and rain-forests. The weather was not any friendlier as the strong rains not only drenched his sole but also his spirit.

Realizing his error, the left foot acknowledged his mistake and apologized to the right foot. The left foot eventually wore the Chuck Taylor All Star Berkshire Mid and the pair of feet were able to successfully go through the first mountain.

A Pair of Feet on Chuck Taylor All Star Berkshire Mid

A Pair of Feet on Chuck Taylor All Star Berkshire Mid

Chuck Taylor All Star Berkshire Mid - Warm Sand Holiday 2013 - P3,990

Chuck Taylor All Star Berkshire Mid – Warm Sand Holiday 2013 – P3,990

Your Chuck Taylors go well with a Converse Cap as well

Your Chuck Taylors go well with a CYour Chuck Taylors go well with a Converse Cap as wellonverse Cap as well

Sporty Style: Your Chuck Taylors go well with a Converse B-ball Cap as well

Sporty and Comfortable for Everyday Get-up

Sporty and Comfortable for Everyday Get-up

The Second Mountain

Weeks passed and midway along the journey, the right and the left foot met the Converse Star once again; this time in a dream.

Creatures of the earth have heard about your travels and how you succeeded to go through the first mountain.You will need another set of protection from their grim plans to haunt you down.”  This time, the Converse Star recommended Chuck Taylor All Star Hollis Hi.

Chuck Taylor All Star Hollis Hi

Chuck Taylor All Star Hollis Hi

Chuck Taylor All Star Hollis Hi: “Rough-hewn look for the Urban Terrain

Similar to the first, the Chuck Taylor All Star Hollis Hi rises from the Chuck Taylor All Star Weatherized Collection with a rough-hewn look suiting the urban terrain worn by those who want to experience life in all its textures and complexity.

Learning from his previous mistake, the left foot was quick to heed the Converse Star’s recommendation and immediately wore the Chuck Taylor All Star Hollis Hi. Interestingly this time, he was the one who encouraged the right foot to wear them as well.

Left Foot now takes the lead and wore the Chuck Taylor All Star Weatherized Collection

Left Foot now takes the lead and wore the Chuck Taylor All Star Weatherized Collection

Not forgetting how the left foot disobeyed him days ago, the right foot was resolute on getting back at him by not conforming to his recommendation. The right foot seems to be wrong, this time around.

The effect was imminent and the right foot suffered swelling and injury as they wandered through the woods of the second mountain. The quest crushed the right foot’s bullheadedness and conceded to the climate of the second mountain. The right foot approached the left foot and apologized for his mistake.

The right foot eventually wore the Chuck Taylor All Star Hollis Hi and the pair of feet were able to successfully go through the second mountain.

Chuck Taylor All Star Hollis Hi - Charcoal Gray Fall 2013 - P4950

Chuck Taylor All Star Hollis Hi – Charcoal Gray Fall 2013 – P4950

The ensemble of green Converse shirt matches the green Converse Bag.

The ensemble of green Converse shirt matches the green Converse Bag.

"made for the foot who wants the best that can be produced and is willing to pay the price."

“made for the foot who wants the best that can be produced and is willing to pay the price.”

The Third Mountain

Weeks turned into months, and months into years, but Chuck Taylor All Star Hollis Hi was tough and durable as it accompanied the pair of feet along. Upon reaching the third mountain, the Converse Star once again shew itself to the pair of feet, this time in broad daylight.

Chuck Taylor All Star Hiker

Chuck Taylor All Star Hiker

The Chuck Taylor All Star Hiker come in 4 colors

The Chuck Taylor All Star Hiker come in 4 colors

“There is no right, there is no left. You, as a pair, is as one.” says the Converse Star, “I extol your courage and skill as you went through the first and the second mountain successfully!”

Soon, you will face the final and the strongest provocation,” warned the Converse Star, “for this expedition, you shall both need the Chuck Taylor All Star Hiker from Chuck Taylor All Star Weatherized Collection. It shall preserve you from the remonstrance of any clime, and shieled you from any wound. It will be your antidote to the safe and the expected.”

Chuck Taylor All Star Hiker - Vintage Indigo D.WELL - P4250

Chuck Taylor All Star Hiker – Vintage Indigo D.WELL – P4250

Chuck Taylor All Star Weatherized Collection

Chuck Taylor All Star Weatherized Collection

This time, the bond of the left and the right foot is stronger than ever. They have both learned from their past mistakes and know what they needed to do.

They immediately wore the Chuck Taylor All Star Hiker in anticipation of the greatest challenge in their journey as forewarned by the Converse Star.

Perplexed and surprised, the left and the right foot had a comfortable journey in the whole of the third mountain. They conversed and tried to analyze the antithesis of the situation and why it is so.

Although travelling in complete safety and comfort, the pair of feet was on their toes. Armed with the Chuck Taylor All Star Hiker sneakers, they were not letting their guard down.

"It will be your antidote to the safe and the expected."

“It will be your antidote to the safe and the expected.”

Shoes Buy Art, Sneakers Create It

At the last turn on a cliff leaving the third mountain, the pair of feet found an unusual element at the middle of the road – it was the most good-looking pair of shoes they have ever seen in their life! All clad in precious stones and appealing to the eyes, the genuine leather was hand-sewn and has an elegant finish. The marvelous find found the pair of feet wanting.

But upon realizing the unique design, comfort, and protection given by the sneakers from the Chuck Taylor All Star Weatherized Collection who accompanied them through the challenges of the three mountains, it was easy for them to conclude that shoes are boring, and they will instead, continue wearing sneakers.

Shoes Are Boring Wear Sneakers

Shoes Are Boring Wear Sneakers

It was any easy decision for the pair of feet in their urban terrain journey we call life. We may be faced with a myriad of choices and arrows pointing in all directions to confuse us, but we can always choose the RIGHT way with the guidance of the Converse Star.

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Article by Jonel Uy
Jonel Uy is the EIC of BloggerManila.com. Graduating from UP Diliman with a degree in Computer Science, he is also the Managing Director of #DigitalCircles.asia engaging and amplifying social media campaigns for brands. On Mondays, he teaches information technology classes at Grace Christian College. Know more about him at JonelUy.com
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  1. Tony says:

    interesting story and photos

  2. Trina says:

    Congratulations Jonel!

  3. Stacey says:

    creative fictional blog entry, fit with converse too!

  4. Charles says:

    I want the Chuck Taylor All Star Hollis Hi

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