Blogger You

Blogger You
When we create our social networking accounts, we regularly think about the “general us” – basic details about ourselves. But if you are a blogger, how much of the Blogger You do you show to the online world?
Particularly in Facebook, being the largest social network we have around, how much of the ‘blogger you’ is visible in your Facebook account?
BloggerManila.com Tip
One of the strongest tool is having your own Facebook Page and growing your community from there. Although this merits a lengthy discussion, you might start from here; and get more help from here in creating your own Facebook Page.
At the other extreme, it can be as simple as including your blogs in your “About” field at the Info Page and/or indicating your URL in the “Website” filed. One downside though, only 6 of my blogs show in the ‘website’ field due to some limitation. In contrast, I was able to list them all in the ‘about’ field.

Websites in Facebook Account Information
Why? So people will know. If a new friend goes to your FB page to know more about you, do you want him/her to discover that you are a blogger as well? Do you want to share more information or interest about a certain topic by leading them to your blog? Then consider the above mentioned tips.
just like me, I set the privacy setting of my Websites into Everyone, same as the quotes and bio. Other stuffs set to private.
That’s right Hideki,
We should be able to manage which of our information is seen publicly and which are not.
I assumed bloggers generally want readers, hence a well-publicized URL.
i agree! facebook and other social networks are great tools to enhance and build traffic, so why not make the most of it
This is good. Thanks for the tip. I have my website url in my profile but I think I have to do more some editing. Cheers!
We think the same way Jonel. ^_^